There are sailors and those that live the eternal dream of actually leaving the dock and not coming back. These dreamers are what is known as the 5 year plan, get the boat ready, get their personal affairs handled and leave. Of course almost all of these future cruisers are into the 8th year or even the 14th year of their five year plan. It is far more important to have the dream and work towards it as a goal than to not have a dream at all. In my years of living aboard I have found there are certain characteristics that are common among people who have been at sea in storms and it can be found in their boats, their lifeboats of sanity, but more importantly their homes. I found on my extended visits to the States that I really missed my home and was always happy to return to her.
In judging a sailing craft it's not how young she is or how big she is, every sailor knows it is how well she is maintained that is a measure of the skipper aboard her. This is especially true of docklines, and painters on your tender. Sailors see past the lipstick and judge a boat by her lines and how well she can perform and at what angle they can do it at. Every person who has owned a sea going craft develop a real sense of affection for their boat that many famous people have tried to explain. I felt it the strongest when she was showing me what she could do and that she could do it well, sails up and making 6.5 knots. She was like a dancer, doing her ballet on the water the rythym of nature's music playing in her ears.
Even now, crossing an empty bay in my dinghy to my boat, anchored and completely alone off a uninhabited island, and having that island to roam about freely is a dream I lived and I sometimes think my reality on things has taken a whole new meaning. It is impossible to not be changed by the experience. It is sobering to make a long passage on a boat you essentially did all the maintenance work on, including replacing all the rigging yourself and to know the whole while that even the smallest failure could lead to disaster. You think about that and a whole host of other possibilities that could befall you, but as scared as I was, I left and sailed to Florida. Any sailor that isn't scared is either inexperienced or lacks imagination. What is amazing is the worse part is the departure, once finally underway it subsides. Even in foul weather, except for the rare sudden rush of sdrenaline, you really are too busy to think about it and prove only too true.
I arranged for her haul out in a Florida boatyard where I buffed her big, wide, flat bottom and gave my attentions to some small blemishes here and there. It was foul, dirty work and seemed to go on forever. I am sure, without the least doubt that hell resembles a boatyard. 2 weeks later she was ready for the water, newly buffed and painted bottom, shiny topsides and new boot strip.
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