Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I just signed another painting this morning..  "Waterman's house, Broad Creek, Deltaville VA, 2012" depicts the shore across from the stearn of my boat that greeted me every morning I lived onboard CHOICES..  The winter was the worst anyone could remember, docks frozen and no water, me living under a blanket of snow on her decks..I was living with a space heater and most importantly, Wifi..I have spent the past 6 days on this painting, taking a whole new style, trying to capture the mood or create one   I painted it very loosely from memory and finished it today..   Of course I am doomed to say the next one will be better, it is only natural I see all the flaws, but  there was a lot of new stuff going on in this work, the use of color was elevated, I wanted it to look as handmade as possible, exactly the opposite of computer generated graphics..  I wanted it to reflect this and now I was finished and it is a piece of krap..  the gap between new and old or in this case digital vs analog.  So I grabbed an old piece of krAp and decided to finish it...  It is a painting of a high mountain meadow, more to practice painting different elements I will encounter out in Arizona or Colorado this next Summer...  The foreground needed some more work, and now it is done..  So now I have two pieces of kRap on my hands, the next one maybe won't be quite so kraPpy..